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Project information

Participation at Generali Global Corporate Client Event with the interactive lecture «From Analytics to Decision Making»

S. Lumbreras

September 2019 - September 2019

Funding entity Generali Global Corporate

The objective of the collaboration proposal is to formalize the participation of Prof. Sara Lumbreras at the annual corporate event at Generali Global Corporate, where she will contribute with the interactive lecture “From Analytics to Decision Making”.
The lecture will cover the following points:
- Presentation of a wide panoramic view of how data can be transformed into information, information becomes knowledge and knowledge can guide our decisions.
- Overview of the main biases that can harm decisions and how to avoid them (at least partly).
- Description of the three-tier model of decision making: going from the easy to the complex.
- Definition of model and how it should be used.
Examples of the process “from data to decision”:
- In the energy sector: how do we upgrade the electricity network? This will describe a real project at the European scale that determined the optimal ways of integrating renewable energy into our current system.
- In the medical sector: how do we fully understand an experiment? This will describe a project where the results of some experiments with macaques were extended to humans by means of a mathematical model.
This lecture will have a duration of 1-2h depending on the indications from Generali Global Corporate.
Prof. Lumbreras will be available for the full event (respecting her work hours) and interactions with the clients if Generali Global Corporate advises so.
